Mae’r cwmni’n creu gweithdai pwrpasol ar gyfer ystod eang o leoliadau. Caiff pob gweithdy ei deilwra’n benodol ar gyfer y grŵp sydd dan sylw. Gall gynnwys agweddau allweddol o broses Llwybr Papur, megis ymchwilio lle a mapio straeon personol trwy ddefnyddio technegau dramayddiaeth wrth weithio ar destunau ‘canfod’ a thrwy datblygu ffyrdd o gyd-ysgrifennu.
Feedback from previous residencies:
Residency at Gower College Swansea
“The work was really great. The students really had ownership of
the work and everyone I spoke with thought it was excellent”
Michael Waters, Course Leader, Young Actors Studio, RWCMD
Residency at HMP Cardiff
“Jail is a lonely place, and you always feel like you’re being forgotten. It’s the chance to entertain people who are coming in. It’s exciting, you’re learning, and it’s something you can be proud of”
“Since I’ve been doing this whatever people say to me goes over my head. I’m not putting on a front anymore, I’m more confident because I’m just who I am, and on the wing, staff and inmates are seeing that“
Workshop particpant HMP Cardiff