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Papertrail’s new co-leadership model and opportunities for creatives
Papertrail has been staging untold stories from underrepresented voices in Wales, and beyond for the last 10 years. Now, thanks to ACW’s Creative Steps, the company has begun an exciting new stage of development which sees Jonny Cotsen co-leading the company along with founding Artistic Director, Bridget Keehan. Their joint vision is to advance and experiment with the ways in which creative access is used in productions.
The company has a slate of new projects in the pipeline which include a touring production of A Visit by Siân Owen, a new play, Moses, Grobbelaar & Me, written by Jonny Cotsen and Bridget Keehan and a new training project in partnership with Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama and two new Associate Artist positons. To help the company deliver these projects Papertrail is now looking to recruit a freelance Creative Producer and a General Manager to join them in 2025. More information about these roles and how to apply can be found below:
Model cyd-arwain newydd Papertrail
a chyfleoedd ar gyfer pobol creadigol
Mae cwmni theatr Papertrail wedi bod yn llwyfannu straeon gan leisiau tangynhyrchiol yng Nghymru a thu hwnt ers 10 mlynedd. Nawr, diolch i gynllun Camau Creadigol, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, mae’r cwmni yn dechrau ar gyfnod newydd a chyffrous o ddatblygiad wrth i Jonny Cotsen ymuno â’r Cyfarwyddwr Artistig sefydlol, Bridget Keehan, i gyd-arwain y cwmni. Yn ganolog i’w gweledigaeth yw hybu ac arbrofi gyda sut caiff mynediad creadigol ei ddefnyddio mewn cynyrchiadau.
Mae gan y cwmni restr o brojectau newydd ar y gweill, sy’n cynnwys taith o’r ddrama A Visit gan Siân Owen, cynhyrchiad o’r ddrama newydd, Moses, Grobbelaar & Me gan Jonny Cotsen a Bridget Keehan, project hyfforddi newydd sbon mewn partneriaeth â Choleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama, ac apwyntio dau Artist Cysylltiol newydd. I helpu’r cwmni gyflawni’r projectau hyn, mae Papertrail am recriwtio Cynhyrchydd Creadigol a Rheolwr Cyffredinol i ymuno â nhw yn 2025. Am fwy o wybodaeth am y rolau hyn ac am sut i ymgeisio, gweler isod:
Equal Opportunities Form
General Manager (English)
General Manager (Cymraeg)
Creative Producer (English)
Creative Producer (Cymraeg)